Monday, 22 February 2016


Today lets talk about another important factor that determines success in life.


There is a proverb that says ‘’Tell me those you associate with and I will tell you who you are’’.

 Let me start by telling you about myself little in the area of belief. For many years, I lived by the belief that how smart and talented I was, would be the single, most important factor in determining my level of success in life.

         In my university days I thought I had to achieve through sacrificing nights, weekends and holiday to be consistent. I was regarded as one of the top performer in my class. And how there had to be mastery of all subjects studied, regardless of interest. Now, I’m not saying that these accomplishments were of no use at all. In fact, and I’m incredibly grateful for all the opportunities and lessons, which I’ve received from the pursuit of academic excellence. From entering teenager, to hunting down my first job, it has allowed me to understand that hard work and perseverance are essential ingredients to getting what you want out of life. They are catalyst that helps turn vision into reality.
What hit me over time however, and particularly in the last few years, is the fact that our success in life comes down to the people we choose to spend our time with.
The impact of surrounding yourself with people that have vision in life is lifting you higher.
 An individual maybe born into riches but live unhappy life, while someone from more humble beginnings maybe able to manifest their dreams in record breaking time, all because of the company they keep, which influences their way of thinking and thus resulting in a mindset for success.
If you move with pigs, practically you will learn how to dig the ground with your mouth in search of food, but if you associate with eagle, you will learn how to fly and soar great height, ‘’Just as the mirror does the work of reflection, so also friends are in our life’’.

 A reflects a man’s face but what he really is, is shown by the kind of friends he chooses – john mason.
This remains a fact that you become like those with whom you closely associate with either for good or for bad.
            Want to be successful? Surround yourself with successful people. Want to be happy? Surround yourself with happy people. Want to be healthy? Surround yourself with healthy people. Want to be confident? Surround yourself with confident people. In essence, we become more like the people we hang out with.
 Think about it, almost all our sorrow and pain originate from wrong associations. And the only way these mistakes can be corrected is by keeping the right relationship with the right people.
Proverb 13; 20 says ‘’He that walketh with wise men shall be wise, but the companion of fools brings destruction’’. Meaning your companion in life goes a long way in determining your future. You can only be great when you surround yourself with great people. It takes a great skill to conceal another great one. You r bearing in life is been determine by your company.
           choose who you associate with today.          
                                                                                            - Anointed Harrison

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