Monday 15 July 2019

Best pre wedding photos in nigeria

Baby when you hold me, my emotions makes it clear, 
Just how much you mean to me while we are laying here, 
I listen to your heart-beat in rhythm with my own, 
With every pound that warming sound, 
Keeps me safe with love you've shown. 

Baby when you touch me, with hands so soft but strong, 
You wrap me in your warm embrace, just where I belong, 
You hold me close and comfort me all through-out the night, 
Until you open up your eyes to first signs of daylight. 

Baby when you kiss me before you start your day, 
The happiness you bring my heart, no words can ever say, 
You make my life so beautiful, wonderful, and new, 
You're my hopes and dreams, you're my everything, 
I'm so in love with you.


If I thought for just one moment that this would be my last breath, 
I'd tell you I'll love you forever, even beyond death.
If I thought for just one moment that your face would be the last I'd see, 
I'd take a million pictures and save them just for me.
If I thought for just one moment that your voice would be the last I'd hear,
I'd listen attentively and promise not to shed a tear.
If I thought for just one moment that your touch would be the last I'd feel, 
I'd embrace you and know that this has all been real.
If I thought for just one moment that my heart would beat its last beat, 
I'd thank the Lord for allowing us to meet.

Friday 17 June 2016


What is self-esteem?
We use the phrase self-esteem to talk about the beliefs you have about yourself – what you think about the type of person you are, your abilities, the positive and negative things about you and what you expect for your future.
If you have healthy self-esteem, your beliefs about yourself will generally be positive. You may experience difficult times in your life, but you will generally be able to deal with these without them having too much of a long-term negative impact on you.
If you have low self-esteem, your beliefs about yourself will often be negative. You will tend to focus on your weaknesses or mistakes that you have made, and may find it hard to recognise the positive parts of your personality. You may also blame yourself for any difficulties or failures that you have.

People think I am confident because I can address a room full of people. The reality is that I spend most of my time thinking that I’m not good enough. If I... give a speech, I spend the next few days thinking about all the mistakes I made.

Thursday 16 June 2016


How is the fulfilment of vision meant to work in practical terms? Proverbs 18:16 is a powerful statement that reveals the answer: "A man's gift makes room for him" (NKJV). What you were designed to be known for is your gift.
God has put a gift or talent in every person that the world will make room for.
It is this gift that will enable you to fulfil your vision
It will make a way for you in life. It is in exercising this gift that you will find real fulfilment, purpose, and contentment in your work.
It is interesting to note that the Bible does not say that a man's education makes room for him, but that his gift does.
Somehow we have swallowed the idea that education is the key to success. Our families and societies have reinforced this idea to us, but we will have to change our perspective if we are to be truly successful.
Education is not the key to success.

Friday 22 April 2016

Ways We Complicate Life

These days, many people live stressful, complicated, hurried lives — going and going and going and sometimes getting nowhere. I’ve been there too, with so much to do with seemingly little time to do it. Trying to be in control and rushing from people to places to projects with good intentions to get it all done.

If you’re one of these many people, even if it’s just every now and then, you should know that there are a few ways we actually make life harder on ourselves. The reverse of this is also true. Undoing our stress can be the path to really living life right.

Perhaps the thing we need the most isn’t more things to do but a thorough cleaning of our mental, emotional, and physical to-do lists. When you’re doing so much in a day that you can’t remember anything you did and you don’t feel any better or more fulfilled having done it, then you are simply too busy and your life is too full and complicated.

Here are 21 ways we complicate life and how we can stop.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Improving Your Creative Abilities

1.Keep track of your ideas at all times.
 Many times ideas come at unexpected times. If an idea is not written down within 24 hours it will usually be forgotten

Monday 18 April 2016

Practice gratitude – increase both happiness and life satisfaction

This is a seemingly simple strategy, but I’ve personally found it to make a huge difference to my outlook. There are lots of ways to practice gratitude, from keeping a journal of things you’re grateful for, sharing three good things that happen each day with a friend or your partner, and going out of your way to show gratitude when others help you.
show gratitude today.........