Tuesday 23 February 2016

My Book Launching – In Pictures.

Pictures say it all! Finally you have it right in front of you in blue print. The hard copy of my work.
My Book Launch was a huge success. Here in pictures are the events which took place on that remarkable day. 

Apostle Roland talking about the book.
Mr Okon one of the dignitaries
Gods Generals

Friends of the Author
Mr. Frank a friend
Group Photo

My humble self

Group Photo

I was humbled by the turn out of people, guest, friends, associates and the presence of great dignitaries. All who took out time to make that day colorful. I must say this I’m indeed honored to be acquainted with you. Association is one of the Determinants of Success. You have all helped me in one way or the other to define and expand my boundaries. You are all part of my success story. Thank you.  
Remember knowing gives you the power to be able to make changes in your life. I believe you will find treasures buried in it. There is no better treasure hunting than knowledge. Be empowered with the know how to go all out and make your stay in this world count. 'Determinants of Success' which Determines ones Destiny ( DSDD), get a copy today! Thanks.

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