“The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them.
Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams.”
– Og Mandino
Your motivation is your desire to do something. Ready, set, go. Kick off by setting a goal and scribing the goal to ensure accountability to you. Effective goal setting begins with the five characteristics SMART.
Do set specific goals
Ask yourself the following questions: who is involved? What do you want to accomplish? Where will you work on your goal? Why do you want to accomplish this goal? When do you hope to accomplish your goal? Which factors will affect the success of you achieving your goal? Set a goal and answer these questions so that your goal is specific and can be achieved.
Do set measurable goals
Set a goal that is quantifiable. You should be able to see the progress you are making. This will allow you to feel the thrill of each milestone reached and keeps you on track to complete your goal. To find out if your goal is measurable, ask the following questions: how many? How much? And how will I know when the goal is reached?
Do set attainable goals
Don’t set easy goals, instead make them attainable and representative of what you are capable of if you just put in some effort. Each goal you reach will make the next one seem more attainable. As you grow, so do your goals.
Do set realistic goals
High goals require greater motivation as you will see what a great difference it will make in your life. If your goal is overwhelming - break the larger goal down into a series of smaller ones as your goal will be easier to accomplish. Small goals are accomplished with greater confidence.
Do set timely goals
Setting a date for the completion of your goal will position you in motion mentally and will set the pace for a steady race to the finish.
Do not involve yourself with naysayers
If there are people in your life who spend their time telling you can’t do whatever you are seeking to accomplish, deliberately choose to limit your time with them. Instead, seek out positive people who are encouraging and notice what you are doing right.
Do not give into negative thinking
Negative self talk cannot be allowed to stay. When it starts, immediately replace it with a positive thought. Think about what you have done right and what you like about yourself.
Do not feel discouraged
Disappointments are an element of life. The feeling of discouragement can be turned around by you picturing yourself succeeding. Practice daily affirmations and continue to remind yourself that you will succeed.
Do not show your emotions on your sleeve
Everyone has good days and not so good days. This is life after all. The key is to keep those not so good days close to the vest. Pretend you have unlimited faith in yourself even when you are quaking in your shoes.
Do not focus on your weaknesses
Your worst enemy is yourself. The best way to defeat an enemy is to know all there is to know about them. Get to know your strengths and weaknesses. Keep track of your accomplishments, large and small. Pay attention to what types of situations make you judge yourself harshly.
Motivation is your desire to do something. Although there are many motivational factors, the best is self-motivation. Begin with a goal, write it down, then begin with a plan to action to achieve your goal. Break down large goals into smaller goals making them easier to achieve thus building your self confidence in the process. Increase your motivation by effective goal setting, focusing on your strengths, frequent self praise, and positive thoughts.
Anointed Harrison
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